Really ... she is very special. I officially call her an 18+ character.
I knew from the beginning that Rosa would not be a normal Ranger. I knew that I would play her as a character that polarizes most other people and roleplayers. For a long time, she was always the character for the rough. Violence, sex and all these things I always liked to play with her as a char. An elf who hates her descent, possessed by black magic, and this condition makes her delusional and aggressive in a very rough and horrible way.
She hates children, animals, nature and all things that bring joy and peace to other people. She finds fun and satisfaction in the suffering of others.
Eventually, however, the point came and she changed a bit. She started thinking ...
At the moment, many things are unclear. It can get really bad again, or she can turn something positive for herself. We will see.
Her very first pics!