Samstag, 3. August 2019

Screenies Winter/Spring 2018 - Rosa

My lovely Rosa.
Really ... she is very special. I officially call her an 18+ character.

I knew from the beginning that Rosa would not be a normal Ranger. I knew that I would play her as a character that polarizes most other people and roleplayers. For a long time, she was always the character for the rough. Violence, sex and all these things I always liked to play with her as a char. An elf who hates her descent, possessed by black magic, and this condition makes her delusional and aggressive in a very rough and horrible way.

She hates children, animals, nature and all things that bring joy and peace to other people. She finds fun and satisfaction in the suffering of others.

Eventually, however, the point came and she changed a bit. She started thinking ...
At the moment, many things are unclear. It can get really bad again, or she can turn something positive for herself. We will see.

Her very first pics! 

Freitag, 2. August 2019

Screenies Winter/Spring 2018 - Sio

Look at this girl. That's Sio. Also one of the sisters of my main character. You know what I'm talking about? No? Just go back and read a few entries if you like. We already had Lio and Joyce and these two girls belong to the said family also. =)

Sio is definitely the craziest of all! She is very direct, confident, not a bit shy. She knows what she wants and what she can do to achieve it. Nevertheless, she is a nice and fair girl with a great passion for weaponless martial arts. That's why I chose the Mystic as a class, of course.

For her in our roleplay has changed a lot until today.

She has found her biological dad again because she was originally adopted like all other siblings. She now knows her true nature and that means a lot to her. It gradually came one to another and we are far from finished.

Stay tuned for more information about her if you like.

She has changed little until today. For example, her iris is not so noticeable anymore. It was a bit strange at first and difficult to explain. Her iris was later adapted to her dad's. A commonality. Of course still not human. ;-)

These were her first pictures I made on this PC in 4k.

Donnerstag, 1. August 2019

Screenies Winter/Spring 2018 - Ameeda

Today's post is about Ameeda. She's the best example that demons do not have to be evil. Demons do not have to have horns and a grim smile. They do not have to be up to anything bad.

Like Lio, Ameeda is a girl who did not grow up among other demons. That's why she's not negatively influenced. Nevertheless, her energy gives information about her nature. In her presence, you can feel what kind of being she is and what you are dealing with.

She has some dangerous skills but is aware of them. Unfortunately, she no longer dwells one hundred percent among the living. I hope you say that in English. But I'm sure you understand ...

Basically, she does not live anymore. It is more likely to be called undead. Alive. But somehow not. Originally she was to be saved from death and unfortunately something went wrong.

I always say she is a friendly, dead demon girl.

She is one of those characters who have changed very little over time. These were her very first pictures.

Mittwoch, 31. Juli 2019

Screenies Winter/Spring 2018 - Joyce

This post is about Joycelinn.

She is the second oldest sister of Triskilia, my Sorc. When I created Joyce, I wanted to create a family around Tris. I had an accurate idea of the family history. I mean, it's a roleplay family, you know. You have to have an idea to bring something like this to life.

She is one of the characters that is relatively easy to play because she is human. She has no special powers or something. So I do not really have anything to describe their energy or magic.

She is a very calm and reserved person with a very good understanding and responsiveness. She was adopted into the family (as all other children by the way) and had an extremely hard childhood. Her early childhood was marked by violence and abuse and it is very difficult for her to build trust to new people in her life.

All in all, she is still uncomplicated.

Today she does not look like this anymore. But these posts are the very first pictures (on this pc, my new one). So that was her first version!